Global Footprint of T3

As a leading B2B tourism and travel company, we’ve built a strong global presence through partnerships across continents. This blog introduces the first half of our extensive network.

United Arab Emirates – Dubai

Dubai, the heart of T3’s operations, is our headquarters and a significant global travel hub. Known for its futuristic architecture, luxury shopping, and vibrant nightlife, Dubai offers an exciting blend of modernity and tradition, making it a perfect base for our operations.

Egypt – Cairo

Egypt’s bustling capital, Cairo is a city steeped in history. Home to the iconic pyramids and the Sphinx, Cairo is a vital link between Africa and the Middle East. T3’s presence in Cairo enables us to offer rich cultural experiences and historical tours to our partners.

Morocco – Casablanca

Casablanca, Morocco’s largest city, is an economic powerhouse and a cultural melting pot. With its stunning architecture and Atlantic coastline, Casablanca is a key strategic location for T3, helping us cater to the diverse needs of our clients in North Africa.

Senegal – Dakar

Dakar, the lively capital of Senegal, is known for its vibrant music scene and rich cultural heritage. T3’s branch in Dakar allows us to provide unique travel experiences in West Africa, from pristine beaches to dynamic city tours.

Ivory Coast – Abidjan

Abidjan, the economic capital of Ivory Coast, is a bustling metropolis with a blend of modern and traditional elements. T3’s office here focuses on facilitating seamless travel experiences in this dynamic region.

Togo – Lomé

Lomé, the capital of Togo, is a port city with a vibrant market scene and beautiful beaches. T3’s presence in Lomé enhances our ability to offer diverse travel options to this scenic place.

Benin – Cotonou

Cotonou, the largest city in Benin, is known for its lively atmosphere and coastal charm. With T3’s branch here, we aim to connect travellers with Benin’s rich culture and history.

Nigeria – Lagos

Lagos, Africa’s largest city, is a bustling economic hub with a thriving arts and music scene. T3’s branch in Lagos helps us cater to the extensive travel demands in Nigeria, offering a range of travel services to showcase the natural landmarks and wildlife reserves.

Niger – Niamey

Niamey, the capital of Niger, sits along the Niger River and is known for its friendly locals and vibrant markets. T3’s office in Niamey focuses on providing travel solutions that showcase the beauty and culture of Niger.

Cameroon – Douala & Yaoundé

Douala and Yaoundé, the economic and political capitals of Cameroon respectively, are central to T3’s operations in Central Africa. These cities offer a mix of modern amenities and cultural attractions, making them key destinations in our global network.

Gabon – Libreville

Libreville, the capital of Gabon, is a port city with a rich cultural scene and beautiful beaches. T3’s presence here allows us to offer unique travel experiences in this serene and lush country.

This is just the beginning of the locations where you can find us. Stay tuned for our next blog to discover all the places we are available to connect with us and become our business partner!
